Maximizing Your Waterfront Pool

Here in Central Florida, many homeowners are fortunate enough to have pools and backyards located right on edge of breathtaking oceans, lakes and other bodies of water. If you’re one such pool owner, you may be wondering how to maximize your waterfront pool. Fortunately, we have a few ideas! Keep these tips in mind as you design your pool, or if you’re looking for a way to “refresh” the look and atmosphere of your backyard oasis.

Try matching your pool’s color with the color of the water

If you’re looking to blend the look of your pool with the lake, ocean or waterway it overlooks, there’s one big thing you can do to achieve that: match up the water color! As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the materials your pool is built with can have a big impact on the shade of blue it “gives off.” In other words, certain pool siding materials may lead to a blacker or brighter blue—it all depends! When designing your pool, ask us about how you may be able to match up your pool’s color with the color of the water it overlooks. It may be easier to do than you think, and you will end up with a true meshing of your pool with its beautiful natural surroundings!

Create a divider                                                                                                                                                

While you probably love to take in the view of the water from your pool, you may not want some separation between the two bodies of water. There are easy (and stylish) ways you can do this! One option is to create a natural divider—plant flowers, trees and shrubs to act as a natural divider between your pool and the water it overlooks. You may also choose to create a relaxing entertainment space between the two bodies of water. If you have pavers here, you can dress up the space with patio furniture or outdoor lounge chairs that allow guests to enjoy the view of the pool or the natural body of water… or both!

Keep young swimmers safe

We know that one of the biggest concerns for pool owners all across the country is how to keep young swimmers safe. We also know that, even though you enjoy swimming in the pool with your child, you may not want them to venture off into a nearby body of water. For families of young children, the best option may be to simply divide the two bodies of water with a pool fence or enclosure. You will be able to keep your child safe and under your supervision, while also blocking your pool off from outdoor critters and debris.

Dress up the area with themed décor

If your pool overlooks a natural body of water, you may choose to decorate your pool and patio with fun, themed pieces. You can do this in simple but unique ideas—for example, if your pool overlooks a lake you may choose to hang up a “gone fishing” sign from your exterior wall. If you’re near an ocean, fish or surfer themed décor may be the best choice. Just get creative!

Having a waterfront home is a great luxury—and having a waterfront pool is an even bigger one! All you have to do is dress it up and find ways to mesh your pool with the natural surroundings.

Maximizing Your Waterfront Pool

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